80 research outputs found

    Implementasi Sistem Agen Cerdas pada Sistem Penilaian Kesesuaian Komoditas dalam Suatu Lahan

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    Penilaian kecocokan komoditas pada suatu lahan merupakan salah satu proses yang penting yang bertujuan untuk menilai kecocokan suatu komoditas pada suatu lahan yang akan menjadi prioritas pemilihan bagi user. Agar proses penilaian dapat dilakukan dengan tepat dan efisien, maka digunakan sistem agen. Paper ini bertujuan untuk membangun suatu sistem agen untuk penilaian kesesuaian dan penentuan prioritas komoditas, serta diharapkan dapat membantu user dalam memutuskan komoditas yang paling cocok untuk menjadi prioritas pengerjaan bagi user. Dalam sistem ini dilakukan penilaian dan seleksi terhadap sejumlah komoditas dengan menggunakan 9 kriteria seleksi, yaitu kecepatan angin, curah hujan, intensitas cahaya matahari, suhu rata-rata, kelembaban udara, jenis tanah, derajat keasaman, kedalaman air tanah, dan ketinggian tempat, dengan menggunakan aturan bobot yang didapat dari perhitungan AHP. Keluaran dari sistem ini berupa rangking sejumlah komoditas berdasarkan prioritas dan total bobot komoditas terhadap kriteria seleksi. Pengujian sistem yang menggunakan data-data komoditas menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dirancang telah dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan memberikan hasil yang benar

    P2P Communication among Computers and Smartphones Based on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct Technologies

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    As result of the development of technology, most of modern computer and smartphones are Bluetooth and Wi-Fi direct wireless technologies enabled. While those wireless technologies come with the benefits of interconnecting devices without the need access point or central base station. However, computer and smartphones connected via Bluetooth based or via Wi-Fi Direct connection does not guarantee intercommunication or data transmission in meaningful way. Therefore, third party software is always needed to help for achieving data transmission. In this research an effort is done to design and develop P2P software applications and web based application by using C# and ASP.net MVC programming languages as features of Visual Studio 2017. Application would facilitate P2P communication of interconnected devices via the same channel. Built software system has been tested based on functional testing method, and usability testing. The result from functional testing shows that P2P communication meets functional requirements while usability testing has an average score of 72.2% from System Usability Scale method. The results from SUS scores brands our proposed P2P communication system to be good and highly accepted

    SMS and Web-Based e-Government Model Case Study: Citizens Complaints Management System at District of Gihosha –Burundi

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    E-Government basically comprises the use of electronic communications technologies such as the internet, in enhancing and advancing the citizens access to public services. In most developing countries including Burundi, citizens are facing many difficulties for accessing public services. One of the identified problems is the poor quality of service in managing citizens’ complaints. This study proposes an SMS and web based e-Government Model as a solution. In this study, a case study of a complaint management system at District of Gihosha has been used as a reference to prove that SMS and Web based e-Government Model can enhances the access of public services. The objective of this study is the development of an SMS and web-based system that can enhances the process and the management of citizens’ complaints at District of Gihosha. The system has been developed using PHP as front end, Apache as web server, MySQL as Database and Gammu as SMS gateway. The obtained results after testing the system shows that all the functionalities of the developed system worked properly. Thus, the SMS and web based complaint management system developed is considered to be effective

    Implementasi Sistem Kendali PID pada Gimbal Kamera 2-sumbu dengan Aktuator Motor Brushless

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle has been developed for the benefit in various fields. One of them is in the field of aerial photography. Taking pictures using unmanned aircraft, in addition to a good camera, also requires gimbal camera components as camera stability controller. Gimbal camera as stability controller helps the camera to obtain a better image orientation. Gimbal camera serves to reduce vibration and movement that would interfere with the camera when taking pictures caused by the movement of the drone itself. In an effort to get to the maximum camera stability, it is necessary a control systems. This study developed a camera gimbal control system with PID method. The controller is implemented in a microcontroller and uses a brushless motor as the actuator. The brushless motor is chosen because it has several advantages including the high-efficiency, longer lasting and have a good response. In order to facilitate the search for a constant value control, in this study is used Ziegler-Nichols tuning method. The final tuning on roll angle gives constant values Kp = 0:37, Ki = 0:01, and Kd = 0:29 with average response time = 0.8 seconds. While tuning  on the pitch angle gives constant values Kp = 0:55, Ki = 0:01, and Kd = 0:29 with average response time = 0.7 seconds

    The Challenge of Museum Brand Enhancement with Social Media in Yogyakarta Indonesia

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    Museum as heritage tourism has its own unique selling point. The succeed of the museum in some western countries has triggered museum development in developing countries including Indonesia. However, the number of visitors to the museum in Yogyakarta (Central Java) is not as high as other popular tourist attractions in the city. Previous study found some reasons underlying this condition which are lack of promotion, lack of infrastructure facilities and lack of human resources quality. This paper is aimed to find out the challenge of museum brand enhancement with the use of social media as it has a great role in promotion. Social Media strategy is investigated in MuseumSonobudoyo, Museum Pendidikan Indonesia UNY and Museum Gumuk PasirYogyakarta with qualitative descriptive approach. The result of the study found that the use of social media in the museum is not maximum because there is no person in charge of social media development, limited supporting tools and lack of political support

    EDC Machine Implementation Model in Traditional Market As Shopping Tourism Icon in Yogyakarta

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    Nowadays, in the technology and global era, people need easiness and simplicity in all things, including in financial transaction. One of the facilities which support financial transaction is banking EDC machine. Many banking companies are already deploying EDC machines in traditional market merchants. There is a traditional market that relatively big and already known as shopping tourism icon in Yogyakarta, that is Beringharjo. The number of transactions and sales volume that occur in this market is estimated reach out until billion rupiahs. However, there are some merchants that still enjoy doing transaction by cash and reluctant to use the EDC machine because of the same reasons. The aims of this research are 1) To find out the criteria that prioritized by merchants as considerations to use EDC machine 2)To construct the EDC machine implementation model at Yogyakarta shopping tourism traditional market. The model used in this research is the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) model. The result of this research shows us that the order of criteria or factors that influence the traditional merchants’ acceptance of the use of EDC (Electronic Data Capture) machines in traditional shopping tourism icons in Yogyakarta are security, usability, and convenience where the security factor has the greatest weight. The analysis shows that overall, the merchant will consider the security, usability and convenience criteria based on the sub-criteria with the following weighting order; Turnover, Age, Features and shape of the machine, Technical training on machine use, Personal attitude/opinion, Socialization from related institutions, Influence of others

    Pemadam Api Otomatis dengan Kendali Suhu dan Kelembaban Ruangan Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy

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    Abstrak                Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan inovasi rumah cerdas (smart home) sistem instrumentasi dan kendali kondisi ruangan dengan kendali logika fuzzy. Sistem ini mengendalikan suhu serta kelembaban ruangan dan mengatur kadar polusi udara dalam ruangan. Sistem ini digabungkan dengan sistem keamanan pemadam kebakaran otomatis yang dapat mendeteksi adanya sumber api dan melakukan pemadaman secara otomatis.            Sistem ini akan menggunakan nilai temperatur, polusi udara, dan  paparan inframerah untuk menentukan adanya kebakaran. Selain itu, sistem ini menggunakan nilai temperatur, kelembaban, dan polusi udara untuk selanjutnya diproses di pemrosesan fuzzy untuk mengendalikan kipas DC sebagai pengatur kondisi ruangan.            Sistem ini memiliki response time untuk setiap penurunan suhu 1 oC adalah 6206.75 ms, setiap kenaikan kelembaban 1% RH adalah 2361.50 ms dan setiap penurunan gas CO 1 ppm adalah 1529.72 ms, sedangkan apabila tidak menggunakan kendali logika fuzzy maka response time untuk setiap penurunan suhu 1 oC adalah 7931.15 ms, setiap kenaikan kelembaban 1% RH adalah 4020.33 ms dan setiap penurunan gas CO 1 ppm adalah 1697.60 ms. Pemadaman api otomatis memiliki response time kurang lebih 30 detik sesaat setelah sumber api menyala. Selain itu, komunikasi data dapat mengirimkan dan menerima data tanpa adanya data loss dengan jarak kurang lebih 30 meter.Interfacing pada LabView dapat ditampilkan dengan baik dan data logging dapat dilakukan setiap satu detik. Kata kunci—Pemadam Api Otomatis,XBee Transceiver, LabView, Kendali Fuzzy  Abstract            In this research, the innovation development of smart home, instrumentation system and control room conditions with fuzzy logic control. This system controls the temperature and humidity of the room and set the levels of indoor air pollution. This system combined with automated fire safety system that can detect the source of the fire and fighters automatically.            This system will use the value of the temperature, air pollution, and exposure of infrared to determine the presence of fire. In addition, the system uses the value of the temperature, humidity, and air pollution to be further processed in the processing for the fuzzy control of DC fan as a regulator of room conditions.            This system has a response time for each 1 ° C drop in temperature is 6206.75 ms, every 1% RH increase in humidity is 2361.50 ms, and every 1 ppm decrease in CO gas is 1529.72 ms, whereas when not using the fuzzy logic control response time for each 1 ° C drop in temperature is 7931.15 ms, every 1% RH increase in moisture is 4020.33 ms and every 1 ppm decrease in CO gas is 1697.60 ms. Automatic fire suppression has a response time of approximately 30 seconds immediately after the source of flame. In addition, data communication can send and receive data without any loss of data at a distance of approximately 30 meters. Interfacing in LabView can be displayed properly and data logging can be done every single second. Keywords—Automatic Fire Extinguisher,XBee Transceiver, LabView, Fuzzy control

    Streaming Video Perfomance FDD Mode in Handover Process on LTE Network

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    LTE networks were created to improve on previous technologies, where the advantages of LTE networks are at the speed of data transfer and greater service capacity, reduced operational costs and can be integrated with existing technologies.This simulation is used to analyze the video performance of FDD streaming mode in handover process using Network Simulator 3 with 3 cell for different speed and number of users, with delay, packet loss and throughput parameters. The test results show that the performance of streaming video in handover process on all test, not affected by delay value. The highest delay value is still in good category that is 153. 43 ms. The highest packet loss is 54.5% with 60 users at speeds of 100 km / h. The highest throughput value is 0.60 Mbps at a speed of 40 km / h with 5 users and the lowest throughput value is 0.40 Mbps at a speed of 60 km / h with 60 users. The best performance occurred at a speed of 40 km / h, on the contrary at speeds of 70 Km / h and 100 Km / h, the performance decreased due to increased packet loss and decreased throughput value

    System Security Awareness Planning Model Using The Octave Method Approach

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    Awareness of the security of information systems is an important thing to note. In this study, we will discuss planning models of awareness about information system security using Octave models or methods. The analytical method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that the Octave model can increase awareness about the importance of security in an information system and companies that implement it will be able to improve their performance in the future

    Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma Perencanaan Jalur Robot Bergerak Pada Lingkungan Dinamis

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    Development of technology and complexity of an environment (dynamic environtment), the use of algorithms in path planning becomes an important thing to do, problem to be solved by the path planning is safe patch (collision-free), second is the distance traveled, ie, the path length is generated from the robot start position to the current target position and the thirdtravel time, ie, the timerequired by the robot to reached its destination.this research uses ACO algorithm and A-star Algorithm to determine the influence of obstacles (simple environment) and also differences in the pattern of the target motion (linier and sinusoidal)on the ability of the algorithm in pathplanning for finding the shortest path. The test results show that for a simple environtment where the state of target and obstacles still static,the resukt that A-star algorithm is betterthan ACO algorithm both in terms of travel time and travel distance. Testing with no obstacles, seen from the distance travelled differences obtained of 0,57%, whereas for testing with obstacles difference of 9%. Testing in a complex environtment where the targets and obstacles which movesdinamically with a certain pattern, from the three environmental conditions that has been tested, ACO algorithm is better than A-star algorithm where the ACO algorithm can find a path with optimal distance or the sortest distance